Superior Colliculus
A structure that is part of the Corpora Quadrigemina that aids in visual orientation (head and eyes) towards light
Mechanoreceptor input from upper cervical segments (OA, AA, A-c3) from cervical spine muscles have direct input on the superior colliculuskristjanssonSensorimotorFunctionDizziness2009?
Decussate: in midbrain (Dorsal tegmental decussation)
The superior colliculus pathway terminates at:
- Pulvinar nucleus (Thalamus)
- And possibly the Lateral geniculate nucleus?
The afferent information from the superior colliculus allows
- Visual orienting:
- Tracking a moving object
- Orients head & eyes (turns head away or towards flash of light)
Clinical Significance
Mechanoreceptor input(OA, AA, A-c3) and C/S muscles to the superior colliculus can cause problems with sensorimotor control as well as cervicogenic headacheskristjanssonSensorimotorFunctionDizziness2009?.
Even stimulation of these muscle afferents (via nuck muscle vibration) can induce eye position changes, visual illusory mvmts and head mvmt illusions)